Henry Horton State Park
Chapel Hill, TN
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation oversees the Tennessee State Parks and has been monitoring the facility needs of Henry Horton State Park neighboring Chapel Hill, Tennessee. With the rate of growth in the Greater Nashville Region, Henry Horton State Park has seen increased use of the park amenities and grounds.
The park is a destination for meetings, events, golfing, camping, and day-use along the Duck River. The design professionals of Tinker Ma designed a new visitor center and Restaurant to accommodate the growing visitor needs at the park.
The visitor center consists of 8,000 square feet of interactive exhibit space, a gift shop, a conference facility, and multiple staff offices. The design provides greater access to visitor information, interpretative displays, and interaction with the park staff. The 7,000 square foot restaurant seats about 250 people to accommodate groups staying at the park, day use visitors, and the local community. The buildings meet or exceed the State of Tennessee High Performance Building Requirements as well as current model energy codes. Both buildings boast roofs constructed of SIPs panels which provide a continuous envelop of insulation, thereby boosting energy efficiency and serving as a model of sustainability for the Park.
*Photo Credit - Morgan Nowland