

Chattanooga, TN


“Passageways: Activating the Urban Alley through Architecture” was presented by AIA Tennessee and the River City Company as a community outreach project during the 2016 AIA Tennessee State Convention in August 2016 in Chattanooga. Passageways was created and curated by Cogent Studio (one of Tinker Ma’s predecessor firms) team members Jared Hueter and Jason Ennis. The public architecture exhibit focused on the urban fabric that exists in the space between our city’s buildings. The purpose of Passageways is to re-imagine Chattanooga’s alleyways; to breathe life into these auxiliary spaces, to create a place, a destination in itself and to demonstrate the value, the importance, and the potential of these between spaces and the significance they have to our built urban fabric.

Among the five finalist projects selected and installed was Garden Grass [Inversions]. Brad Shelton served as head designer and team leader, along with Craig Peavy and Patrick Ryan from PV Design (another Tinker Ma predecessor firm) and Matt Sears from Haskel Sears Design

Passageways in the News:

Architect Magazine


14th Street Corridor


Passageways 2.0