14th Street Corridor

Chattanooga, TN

The 14th Street Corridor Project is an investigation into the existing urban fabric of Chattanooga’s revitalizing Southside neighborhood. A large portion of the revitalization in Southside has focused on Main Street and the many businesses and spaces directly adjacent to Main. The revitalization of Main Street has been outstanding for the neighborhood and as the neighborhood grows, more and more people are choosing to live in Southside. With this increased growth, the need for a safe and pedestrian-friendly network of sub-streets becomes more and more prevalent.

Just north of Main, the 14th Street Corridor is an existing network of alleyways and sub-streets that service the day-to-day operations of the many businesses that face Main, as well as many other businesses along these secondary sub-streets. The focus of this exercise was to take a broader look at this network and tap into its potential for connectivity and the implementation of specific strategies to bring these urban spaces to the pedestrian scale.

One such area that was identified is a stretch of 14th Street between Market Street and Rossville Ave, located one block north of Main Street, and running along the Southern edge of the historic Chattanooga Choo-Choo Hotel & Campus. The Chattanooga Choo-Choo has recently undergone significant renovations in order to bring restaurants, entertainment and night-life venues to the building and surrounding area. In collaboration with the City of Chattanooga, the Benwood Foundation and the Choo-Choo Partners, the project implemented some initial strategies designed for low-traffic streets to help activate pedestrian activity. The street is closed for special events and concerts.

Learn more about what is now known as Station Street here.


NC Cycling Resort Master Plan

